Monday, July 28, 2008


Well Stephanie's parents made it here Sunday night around 8:00. It will be a great help for them to watch the kids some while she packs up, especially since Allison woke up in the middle of the night last night with a painful ear infection. I have a feeling she might claim Grandma's lap for most of the day.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Things for free and for sale!

For better or worse, all of our things for sale were sold or moved or given away....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Some Progress

Things are starting to line up. We sold the Explorer and the Truck and now own a minivan, a 2000 Mercury Villager (cousin to the Nissan Quest), so it will be nice to only have to move one vehicle. We also found out today that Stephanie's parents will actually drive the truck down to Chicago for us! That means Stephanie won't have to drive with the kids all by herself.

In other news, Mariah took her first major crash on her bicycle today. She cut her lips, chin, scraped her knee and a few of her fingers. She wanted to sleep in bed with Mommy tonight, so I have downgraded to the couch. I will try to take some pictures tomorrow.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Well we have finally decided it is time to start a blog and begin the process of keeping everyone updated on how our move to Chicago is going. As of right now, we will be moving on the 31st of July, 2008, and moving into 1601 S Indiana Ave #110, Chicago IL 60616 on August 1st.