Wednesday, July 15, 2009

school's out and another move....

Mariah got out of school about a month ago so it has been so neat to see more of her and get to see how much she has grown and changed during the year. She is such the helper now and is really pretty good at most things she tries. She measured all the spices and herbs for spaghetti tonight and she is usually willing to help pick up. Allison wants so badly to be big:) She "reads" books to us, tries writing her name, and gets frustrated when she can't draw pictures quite like Mariah. Rachel continues to be....well, how does one describe her. She has a strong sense of what needs to be done (get a towel to clean up spilled water or dip diapers in the toilet to 'rinse' them, get her shoes on at the slightest hint of going outside, etc). She STILL doesn't really speak much, but she'll talk your ear off in some jabbering language complete with facial expressions and arm waving. I have been working three days a week this summer to finish my thesis so that helps me stay sane -- a little bit of piece and quiet even though it is while I work.

Our big job for this summer is that we are moving....only about 2 miles this time, thankfully, and it doesn't seem quite so difficult as moving 7 hours away. I like that it gives me a chance to rethink how things are arranged and also reminds me that I could really get rid of some toys or books, etc. Mariah has been a big helper in moving (she tells me, "Mom, I really feel like packing some boxes today") and Rachel followed suit by packing a whole basket full of books by her own initiative. I'll miss living close to school and having a relatively large amount of green space out our window, but we'll enjoy the new place, too....