Friday, February 13, 2009

life continues on.....

Mariah is still loving school! She recently studied the symphony so in addition to a learning excursion to a symphony performance, they played lots of instruments, built some of their own, and had a parade at school. Here she is (with about 30 other kids behind or before) parading through Mike's office. The horn that she is blowing is made out of garden hose and a funnel! She got to bring it home so it gets played at home....I just wonder what the neighbors think:)

Allison celebrated her birthday this past week and is now 4! I sill marvel at the fact that I am a mother of 3 girls and that they keep getting older all the time:) She is just waiting and waiting for the day when she can go to school, too! But in the meantime she enjoys puzzles and her dresses that get big when she spins.

Rachel is now over 19 months and still doesn't speak in a language that we understand:) (but she does have many things to say and really means whatever it is that she says). About the only thing we consisently understand from her is when she repeatedly yells "Ma!!!...." until I rescue her from wherever she has gotten up on (chairs, benches, etc.).

This past week, I was able to get out of the apartment without the kids for a while! A friend of ours will be watching the younger two girls for a few hours, two days a week, so that I can go sit at school and work on my thesis. It's amazing how much I can get done when I work more than one hour a day!

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