Monday, April 13, 2009

and then there was one

We made a short trip up to my parent's for Easter weekend and since Mariah has this week off from school, she and Allison are staying with them until next Sunday! It is mighty quiet at home (which I am very thankful for because I've got a not-so-fun sore throat) and Rachel is really enjoying her time as an only child. She is nearing the 22 month point and still doesn't really speak. She does communicate very well, though, and these are a few of the things that she lets are know are very delicious (by saying mmmmmmmmm):
1. the frosting licked off of a cupcake
2. salt, poured from the salt shaker, licked off her hand
3. any flavor of chapstick that she can get her hands on (and hide while eating, but she has a hard time diguising the various licking, smacking, satisfied noises)
4. handfuls of butter, sneaked from the butter dish left out on the counter
Needless to say she knows what she wants and she makes for never a dull moment.

Allison had a funny on Sunday. At my parent's church there was chocolate milk for the kids. Unbeknownst to me, Mike had gotten her some and when I saw her drinking it, I assumed that it was hot chocolate because it was in a styrofoam cup. So I asked her if she was having some hot chocolate. She took a slurp and said quite definitively, "It's not hot chocolate, it's brown syrup". So true, so true.

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