Wednesday, September 3, 2008

did we over do it??

We watched a lot of Olympics. A lot. The girls loved it and I enjoyed it, but perhaps it was a bit too much....for the past few weeks when Mariah "reads" books on her own she tells stories starring Misty May and Michael Phelps and Stephanie Rice. It's funny:) One day she and Allison were doing gymnastics on their bed complete with the after-performance hug, using the chalk, and having a water bottle. Their moves were a bit different, of course, but they definitely did not miss a thing in all of the hours that we watched.

Allison is sick today with a fever, cough, and is very tired. That is not very fun to watch. Rachel has a slight fever, but is too obsessed with walking to be sick:) She takes at most 10 steps at a time and always wants somebody's fingers to hold on to so that she can go a lot faster. Mariah continues to love school and says that she missed Rachel more than she misses Allison. Interesting.

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